Purpose of this article: This article describes the basics of the vertical antenna for HF/VHF



Why a vertical?

  • Like the dipole, possibly the simplest and easiest to construct
  • A good antenna to experiment with and offer flexible deployment options
  • Very cheap to source the parts
  • Good if you don’t have much space
  • Good antenna for DX contacts




Basic guidelines for constructing and erecting a vertical antenna:

  • Place the antenna in a clear area and out of the way of family activities
  • You can use elevated radials or buried radials
  • good RF earthing is vital. Ideally as close to the station as possible



Useful links




Construction or installation notes

  • Supporting your vertical – depending on the frequency and construction material, your vertical may require guy wires.
  • You could consider making it from wire and using a suitable tree branch as a support
  • Radials – raised

If you can, four raised radials will make a simple but very effective antenna

  • Radials – buried

For the best results try to get at last 12-16 radials buried.  They should be between10%-50% of a wavelength in length



Experiment and try these ideas

  • If height is an issue you could try winding a helically-wound vertical.  This may be a good option for 80m


  • Another option is an inverted L for 80m



  • Construct a simple Common Mode Choke and attach at the feed-point.






Figure 1- Choke. courtesy DJ0IP